Georgetown 87s
T: 905-877-6966 F: 905-873-9689
@GeorgetownDHS (X) | @georgetown87s (Instagram)
Important Updates
Weekly Newsletter: Monday, March 17
Absolutely No Student Parking - Thursday March 20
There will be no student parking at GDHS on Thursday March 20 because we are hosting the HDSB Halton Skills Competition that day. Students that usually drive to school will need to park elsewhere or find another mode of transportation to and from school that day.
Save the Date! Parent/Teacher Interviews
Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday, April 3, from 6pm - 8pm. All teachers will be available for an informal Meet and Greet in the cafeteria between 6pm and 7pm. Formal interviews can be arranged between 7pm and 8pm. Instructions will be sent directly to families via email after March Break.
Multi-faith Prayer Space
Ramadan Mubarak! We would like to remind students and staff that room 242 is available as a Multi-faith Prayer Space during periods 3 and 4 daily. Students who need to leave class to pray should communicate with their teacher to make arrangements. Students may store a prayer mat in room 242 if they wish. Donations of prayer mats for the school would be graciously accepted. Questions, comments or suggestions about the Multi-faith Prayer Space can be shared using this Google Form.
Iftar Event
Muslim students are invited to attend to break fast together this Friday, March 21st at 6:30 pm in room 242. Please contact Mr. Keast if you have any questions: See image below
Women as Career Coaches
Students who identify as female in grades 10 -12 are invited to attend a FREE and inspiring evening of mentorship on Wednesday April 2nd. The event takes place in Burlington from 5:15 to 9:00 pm and busing will be provided. Women as Career Coaches is an evening that entails a dinner, a chance to engage in informal conversations, listen to a line-up of inspiring spotlight speakers, and participate in a panel discussion about various career pathways. Please see Ms Laba or Ms Nairn for more information and permission forms. Space is limited, registration is based on a first-come first-served basis. This is an event that you won’t want to miss, more information can be found HERE.
Coming up at GDHS
Halton Skills Competition @ GDHS
Women as Career Coaches Event: April 2
Parent Interview Night: April 3
PA Day: April 4
Spring OSSLT: April 8, 9
Good Friday - no school: April 18
Easter Monday - no school: April 21
Midterm report card distribution: April 25
For daily announcements and further information about our school, academics, guidance and extracurricular activities, please visit our website and follow us on social media.
-Your GDHS Admin Team