Learning Services
The Learning Services Department at GDHS offers a variety of programs and services designed to meet the educational needs of students who are identified with a learning disability or who are struggling academically. Our goal is to teach students independence and prepare them for post-secondary life through an understanding of their individual academic profile (strengths and needs) and self-advocacy skill development.
Learning Services Courses
Learning Strategies (GLE) courses are designed to help build essential learning skills, develop a wide range of learning strategies, build skills with assistive technology and provide resources to students who need more time and support to be successful. Students may gain up to 4 credits towards their diploma from learning strategies courses.
ASD Programming
The Learning Services Department at GDHS offers a variety of programs and services designed to meet the educational needs of students who are identified ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Our goal is to teach students independence, self control, self advocacy and to prepare them for life after high school. Contact the Learning Services Department to learn more about these services.
What is an IEP (Individual Education Plan)?
An IEP is a written plan for learning, developed for students with special needs, who may or may not be formally identified as exceptional. The IEP outlines special education programming with accommodations and/or modifications of curriculum. The plan may also include alternative programming and transition plans. An IEP is considered a “working document”, as it is revised and changed throughout the year in response to the student’s progress and needs.
is an individualized education plan created for each exceptional student;
is written down;
is flexible;
is a working document;
is based on the identified strengths, interests and needs of the student;
is based on the program discussions and recommendations that took place at the IPRC;
is developed in cooperation and collaboration with the parent and student;
when finalized, is provided to the parent and the student who is 16 years of age or older;
spells out the necessary accommodations which will enable the student to achieve the expected outcomes;
is the basis of the annual review and any decisions that may be made about changing the student's exceptionality and/or placement;
contains goals, objectives and specific measurable outcomes;
delineates the necessary modification of the curriculum;
is a tool of accountability, on the basis of which the student’s progress is measured and is reported to the parent;
a record of the programming provided to the student;
is not a detailed description of every single thing taught to the student or a daily plan on the basis of which the parent can evaluate the student’s teacher.
Additional Resources
For more information, access these additional resources:
For additional information, contact your child's Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) or the Learning Services Department Head, Mr. Chris Hall at hallc@hdsb.ca.