Grade 8-9 Information
Welcome Grade 8s and families!
There are a lot of opportunities for grade 8 students to meet the staff and students of Georgetown District High School as they prepare for grade 9.
Key Dates throughout 2023-2024 for current Gr 8 Students & Families
For students currently in Grade 8:
Thursday, October 19, 2023: Accelerated Learning Program (ALP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Information Evening
Friday, October 27, 2023: ALP Application opens on HDSB website
Wednesday, November 8, 2023: Gr 8 Information Night
Late November/Early December 2023: Guidance Counsellors visit Gr 8 classes to deliver Course Selection information
Monday, December 4, 2023: ALP Applications due via HDSB website
December 2023: Course selection worksheets due to homeroom grade 8 teachers
Friday, January 12, 2024: Out of Area Transfer Request Forms for non-GDHS bound students due to home high school (ie: not GDHS) for students who wish to attend GDHS
January 2024: New Gr 8 registration packages (for students not in Gr 8 classes that are in school boundaries for GDHS) due to GDHS Guidance Office to secure course choices
Early January 2024: Grade 8s in classes bound for GDHS input course choices into
Spring 2024: GDHS student leaders host Transitioning to High School Orientation at GDHS
Course selection materials for gr 9 courses
Course Selection Sheet
All gr 8 students intending on attending GDHS in Sept of their gr 9 year must complete this Option Sheet. Gr 8 students in classes bound for GDHS submit this sheet to gr 8 homeroom teacher
Grade 9-12 Program Book
Course descriptions for all GDHS courses and specialized program information for Locally Developed, French Immersion, Gifted, and ALP, and IB programs
HDSB Guide to Secondary School
This handbook provides students and families a comprehensive overview on transitioning to high school, graduation requirements, regional programs, and more
Gr 8 Presentation
This slideshow is presented at the Gr 8 Parent Night and Open House at GDHS in November and to Gr 8 students when GDHS counsellors visit for course selection presentations
Accelerated Learning Program
For information about ALP, including the application form and timelines, visit this ALP/IB website
Selecting Courses for Grade 9
This document overviews diploma requirements and the types of courses offered in grade 9
Video Tutorials for Grade 8s
Gr 8 students experience a "Day in the Life of a Gr 9 Student"
Supporting the transition to High School
Link Crew Leaders
All grade 9 students receive a Link Leader as a senior student mentor in the school. These leaders help our grade 9 students as they transition to high school. They are positive role models and enhance our school spirit by helping to implement a year-long program that integrates new students into our school's community.
Link Leaders organize Gr 9 Orientation Day.