Georgetown 87s

T: 905-877-6966       F: 905-873-9689 

@GeorgetownDHS (X) | @georgetown87s (Instagram)

Important Updates

Weekly Newsletter: Monday, March 24

OSAP and Financial Aid Parent Presentation
On Thursday, April 3rd at 5pm in the Theatre (prior to Parent Interview Evening beginning at 6pm), the Guidance Department will host an OSAP and Financial Aid Parent Presentation. We will review scholarship and award opportunities and how to source and apply to external scholarships. A Financial Aid Officer from the University of Guelph-Humber will present detailed information on the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP), including how to apply to OSAP, and discuss post-secondary costs. 

Spring Food Drive

Student Council is running a Spring Food Drive for the Georgetown Breadbasket over the next month. If families are able to donate it would be greatly appreciated. Students can bring non-perishable food items to their homeroom classroom before April 19th. Student Council will also have a donation table at Parent Teacher Interview night. Please review the following link for most needed items this season. 

Junior Semi-Formal Dance

Grade 9 and 10 students are invited to "Dance in the Rain" at the Spring Junior Semi-Formal Dance on Thursday April 10th from 6:30-9:30pm in the theatre. Students can reserve a spot on School Cashless Online for $25, then must return their signed behaviour contract in the main office to receive their dance ticket. Behaviour contracts can be found in the library, main office, cafeteria or English bulletin board. Students must bring their student ID and ticket to enter the event.

GDHS Online Store Now Open

Our spring spirit wear store is now live! See the attachment for images of the products. The t-shirt comes in women's and men’s sizes and the navy blue hoodie can be personalized for your department/club/team/“Georgetown Mom”/“Georgetown Dad” using the drop-down menu. Please spread the word to your students and members of your teams/clubs! Here is the link:

GDHS Navigator Applications

The GDHS Navigator team provides senior students with a chance to make a real difference in our GDHS school community. GDHS Navigator members provide mentorship by helping grade 8 students transition into grade 9, new to GDHS students transition to GDHS, and by being the school’s main leadership team. Students selected to be a part of the Navigator team have a unique opportunity to be positive role models, enhance our school spirit, and help plan and implement a year-long program that integrates students into our school’s community. Current grade 10 and 11 students who are enthusiastic, motivated and responsible can complete the google form that was emailed to their HDSB email account to apply or access the google form HERE. Completed applications are due Wednesday, April 2nd, 2025. Students will also need to provide two staff references for their application. By April 9th, all applicants will be notified of their application status. 

Women as Career Coaches
Students who identify as female in grades 10 -12 are invited to attend a FREE and inspiring evening of mentorship on Wednesday April 2nd. The event takes place in Burlington from 5:15 to 9:00 pm and busing will be provided. Women as Career Coaches is an evening that entails a dinner, a chance to engage in informal conversations, listen to a line-up of inspiring spotlight speakers, and participate in a panel discussion about various career pathways.  Please see Ms Laba or Ms Nairn for more information and permission forms. Space is limited, registration is based on a first-come first-served basis. This is an event that you won’t want to miss, more information can be found HERE.

Save the Date!  Parent/Teacher Interviews

Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on Thursday, April 3, from 6pm - 8pm.  All teachers will be available for an informal Meet and Greet in the cafeteria between 6pm and 7pm.  Formal interviews can be arranged between 7pm and 8pm.  Instructions will be sent directly to families via email after March Break. 

Fashion Forward

The Halton District School Board will host Fashion Forward Open Houses in the spring for students to select, at no cost, donated formal wear for upcoming prom/graduation celebrations.

Students will have the opportunity to view and try on formal wear in a friendly and welcoming environment. Students may select from a variety of new and gently-used attire that has been donated for proms, graduations and other special events. Many different styles, colours and sizes of formal dresses will be available as well as suits, shirts, ties, shoes and accessories.

The dates and locations of the Fashion Forward Open Houses to browse for formal wear are the following:

*An opportunity will be made available for gender diverse youth who require a more private shopping experience between the hours of 3 - 3:30 p.m. during the Open Houses.

Coming up at GDHS

For daily announcements and further information about our school, academics, guidance and extracurricular activities, please visit our website and follow us on social media.

-Your GDHS Admin Team

GDHS Athletics 2024

Click here to for a preview of our athletics excellence! Video created by GDHS Graduate (2024) Nathan Oribhabor

Click here to learn more about Inclement Weather and Bus Cancellations or School Closures

We Are Georgetown