Guidance Office


The Guidance Department wants to ensure all students succeed in high school. Our job is to assist all students and provide individualized support for academic, personal, and post-secondary pathway counselling.


Our Staff 

(all emails directed to

For general inquiries, questions, transcript requests, etc, contact Mrs Peddie, Guidance Secretary (peddied)

NEW: As of September 2024 students are assigned a Guidance Counsellor based on the following surname breakdown: 

A-F: Ms Foster (fosterk)

G-M: Ms Tin (tind)

N-Z: Mr Presutti (presuttir)

Student Success: Ms Howarth (howarthj)


Follow @gdhsguidance for updates

Course Changes Requests

To request a Course Change for Semester 2 OR for your 2025-2026 myBlueprint submission, complete the Course Change Form below.

Book an Appointment

To book an appointment with your Guidance Counsellor, click the link to their calendar below. All appointments are in person in the Guidance Office. If a phone appointment is required, please indicate this when booking.

Quick Links

Timetable Change Requests

To request a GDHS timetable/course change for next year, please complete the Course Change Request Form.

eLearning Opt Out Form

To opt out of the 2 eLearning credits required for the Ontario Secondary School Diploma, fully complete the Opt Out Form (including parent signature) and submit it to the Guidance Office.

Post-Secondary Planning

Visit the Guidance Post-Secondary Planning Webpage for the liaison visit sign up form, college & university application timelines, and much more!

Community Service Hours Record Sheet

Download this form to record the Community Involvement Hours you completed. This form must be signed by your volunteer supervisor. In lie of this form, we accept letters on official letterhead by volunteer organizations.

Submit Volunteer Hours

Please complete this form for EACH DOCUMENT you have. Only submit NEW Community Service Hours evidence that you haven't previously submitted to the Guidance Office.

Social Worker Support Services

The goal of Social Workers is to support you by creating a safe space for you, providing therapeutic interventions, and helping you find the right resources when you need them.

Student Well Being

Together with other HDSB students, Social Work Well-Being Groups (offered on Google Meet) are for students who would like to learn supportive coping skills in a small group setting. These groups are run by HDSB School Social Workers along with occasional support from Mental Health and Addiction Nurses.

Please note: If you are in crisis, please contact ROCK crisis line at 905-878-9785.

Mental Health Resources

Schools and parents share a collective responsibility, not only to respond to a student's mental health need, but to include the promotion of positive mental health and prevention of illness in our school communities.  Education, awareness and the de-stigmatization of mental health are crucial pieces of the puzzle.